Andrei Jach

December 15, 2021
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You’ll hear it through the grapevine

Wherever in the world you are, hopefully you’re looking forward to a colourful, vibrant and magical Christmas. Everyone here at Campo Viejo certainly is. Excitement’s in the air, as is the sound of our music. And so you can share the joy, we’ve created a Spotify playlist to capture the vineyard vibe.

If you’re passionate about music, you’ll recognise many of the legendary artistes, and the unique talent they have for expressing themselves through their gift of music. What you may not recognise, however, is the connection.

As luck would have it, one of Europe’s biggest and most prestigious Jazz Festivals is held each year in the nearby town of Vitoria Gasteiz – about 40 km from our winery.

Over the last 60 years, the Festival has played host to some of the greatest names in music. It’s often said, the reason our wines are so refined and full of life is that they’ve grown and matured to the magical tones of artistes such as Ella Fitzgerald, Dizzie Gillespie and Herbie Hancock.

The playlist features some of favourites from the festival, performing songs that give a taste of our beautiful, beloved Rioja region.

Soaring melodies that have inspired us to create our unique Campo Viejo blends (just as our wines helped inspire their sound).

And songs that we hope will uncork the festive spirit, as you share a bottle of your favourite Campo Viejo with friends and family this Christmas.



* A Spanish Song by Chick Corea

* Agua E Vinho by Tomatito

* Days Of Wine And Rosés by Dizzy Gillespie

* In A Mellow Tone by Ella Fitzgerald

* A Case Of You by Herbie Hancock

* The Red One by Pat Metheny

* Christmas In My Hometown by Eric Clapton

* Wishing On A Star by Randy Crawford

* Snowbound by Sarah Vaughan
Listen to this Playlist on Spotify.

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