Andrei Jach

December 15, 2021
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A Spanish twist on summer picnics

Getting friends and family together to dine al fresco is one of summer’s simple pleasures. When it comes to creating the perfect Spanish picnic, we like to keep things simple.  All you really need is a colourful blanket, some picnic-friendly tapas and Campo Viejo.

Of course, a bit of sunshine and some outdoor games wouldn’t go amiss, but the thing to remember is that the beauty of eating outdoors is how relaxed it’s meant to be, which is why we’ve rounded up a few ideas to inspire your next picnic adventure.

Colourful essentials

Garden, beach, river, park, urban rooftop, hilltop or your own backyard – one of the best things about picnics is you can have them in almost anywhere. Where you picnic will determine what you need to take. With so many ways to pack a picnic, where do you start? For example, if you’re heading to the beach or park and your food isn’t perishable, a traditional picnic basket will be charming.

If you’re planning to hike into the woods, a backpack style picnic carrier may be more appropriate. And if you’re bringing along a lot of food and beverages that should remain cold until served, a cooler may be best suited to your needs. Whether you’re planning a family picnic, a romantic dinner for two, or a concert picnic with friends, these must-haves will ensure your picnicking event is a summer sensation.

Here’s a quick list of our picnic essentials:

  • Cutlery, cups and plates. Opt for enamel plates as they’re light and much more practical than paper ones.
  • Garbage bags and wet wipes for clean-up.
  • Ice packs to keep fruit, veg, dips, drinks and, most importantly, the Campo Viejo Cava cool and ready to enjoy on a summer’s day.
  • Campo Viejo (of course) and a corkscrew bottle opener.

Make a colourful impression when it comes to styling your picnic setup. A great way to do this is with colourful or patterned picnic blankets and cushions – it adds a lovely textural element that can really bring your picnic to life while keeping comfort in mind.

There are a few extra things that can make your picnic an even bigger success. One is a portable speaker to enjoy your picnic playlist. You can also bring along a fun activity like supplies to make flower crowns or a deck of playing cards.

Portable provisions

Whether you head down to a local park or embark on a long hike, you want your picnic food to arrive as perfect as it was when you packed it. From a classic torta, to the perfect no-bake dessert, we have a trio of tapas that will stay put even when jostled around – and are at their best eaten cold or at room temperature. See the recipes here.

If you want to add something a little fresh – a grazing platter can be the most exquisite way to serve friends a feast of colour. Freshly chopped crudités and dips make the ideal crowd-pleasing snack that can easily be taken along on a picnic. Crudités could include anything from bright pink candy beetroots and radishes to carrots and tomatoes – the perfect summer snack to accompany a crisp glass of Campo Viejo Cava Brut Rosé.

You’ll want your picnic to arrive in one piece so put everything into a mix of shallow containers and secure with tight lids. If you’re bringing antipasto, line two trays with baking paper, and arrange cheeses on one tray and thinly sliced jamon and chorizo on the other. Wrap trays tightly in plastic wrap and refrigerate. When you’re ready to set off, pack trays in a cooler with ice packs.

Don’t forget the wine

You can’t have a summer picnic without wine! A bottle of our Cava Brut Reserva or Rosé is a great choice to start with. Its crisp and fresh palate, dominated by fruity notes lend it a level of versatility which is perfect for your appetiser dishes.  After that, pop open a bottle of Reserva to keep the celebrations going.  Aged for 18 months in oak casks and again for 18 months once bottled, this red is a great accompaniment with your richer picnic tapas.

Here’s to sun-filled days, catching up and enjoying the simple things in life – friendship, food and great wine. Salud!

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