Meet our team of winemakers passionate about Rioja winemaking.

Ignacio López

Chief Winemaker

Born in Mendoza, Argentina, Ignacio López studied oenology and worked as an operator and assistant winemaker in different wineries. In 2004, he joined Pernod Ricard Argentina, where he has held different positions, the last one as Chief Winemaker Etchart in Cafayate Wines.

He has more than 20 years of experience. He has also been Chief Winemaker for Etchart Cafayate Wines and Graffigna in various regions of Argentina. He has done grape harvests in California (Kenwood) and Australia (Barossa), but has also played an important role in wine industry innovation, clearly one of his great passions.

In 2021, he moved to Spain to take up the position of Cellar Manager of the Campo Viejo and AGE, in charge of both winery and laboratory management at the two workplaces. This year, Ignacio has taken on the position of Chief Winemaker at PRW Spain, being responsible for winemaking, strategy and leadership of the winemaking team.

“What I enjoy the most about winemaking is working with nature: to be able to put a landscape into a bottle, and to bring joy to every celebration.”

Irene Pérez


Born in Logroño, she studied Pharmacy at the University of Salamanca and upon coming into contact with botany and plant physiology, she discovered the importance of the earth and its produce, especially in a region like La Rioja. This passion for wine led her to choose a degree in enology and in 2010, she began her project at Bodegas Campo Viejo.

In 2022, after 13 years of experience in the sector, she began her work as Senior Winemaker at AGE and Campo Viejo, being the one responsible for the oenology team at both wineries. She always has the active aim of making the best wines possible and that they are appealing to the consumer.

During these years, she continued training, obtaining a qualification from the Wine & Spirit Eductation Trust at levels 2 and 3 and travelling around to learn about other ways of working in other wineries, always within the Pernod Ricard group in Australia and New Zealand.

“Campo Viejo is an emblematic winery in La Rioja that has been able to adapt to changes in the sector, remaining a leader in technological innovations and producing wines of the highest quality posible. Furthermore, it is a winery that allows the professionals who work there to have the opportunity to stay up to date and continue training, something that, I think, is fundamental in any field.”



Born in Logroño, she has been passionate about the world of wine for a long time. This passion drove her to graduate in Oenology from the University of La Rioja after obtaining the title of Higher Laboratory Technician. In 2017, while she was completing her studies, Suárez joined the Enology team at Bodegas Campo Viejo as support during the wine harvest campaign, and in 2019 she joined the team permanently.



Born in Eibar, she trained as a Higher Technician in Environmental Chemistry, although her relationship with the world of wine began in 2006 when she discovered La Rioja. Since then, her training and work experience have gone hand in hand, leaning towards studies such as the Technician in Wine Making in Laguardia, as well as a Master in Oenology, Viticulture and Wine Marketing, and the Wine & Spirit Education Trust at level 2.

She has been in the sector for more than 15 years and began her relationship with Campo Viejo in 2019 during the wine harvest campaign, consolidating her permanent involvement in 2021.

“Campo Viejo is a winery in which many projects and innovations are developed that make you evolve and grow professionally. Without a doubt, the part I enjoy most is the tasting and developing of new wines and blends. And, of course, for me, it is and always will be important that all Campo Viejo wines carry a little piece of me.”


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